70 research outputs found

    Feedback-Driven Data Clustering

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    The acquisition of data and its analysis has become a common yet critical task in many areas of modern economy and research. Unfortunately, the ever-increasing scale of datasets has long outgrown the capacities and abilities humans can muster to extract information from them and gain new knowledge. For this reason, research areas like data mining and knowledge discovery steadily gain importance. The algorithms they provide for the extraction of knowledge are mandatory prerequisites that enable people to analyze large amounts of information. Among the approaches offered by these areas, clustering is one of the most fundamental. By finding groups of similar objects inside the data, it aims to identify meaningful structures that constitute new knowledge. Clustering results are also often used as input for other analysis techniques like classification or forecasting. As clustering extracts new and unknown knowledge, it obviously has no access to any form of ground truth. For this reason, clustering results have a hypothetical character and must be interpreted with respect to the application domain. This makes clustering very challenging and leads to an extensive and diverse landscape of available algorithms. Most of these are expert tools that are tailored to a single narrowly defined application scenario. Over the years, this specialization has become a major trend that arose to counter the inherent uncertainty of clustering by including as much domain specifics as possible into algorithms. While customized methods often improve result quality, they become more and more complicated to handle and lose versatility. This creates a dilemma especially for amateur users whose numbers are increasing as clustering is applied in more and more domains. While an abundance of tools is offered, guidance is severely lacking and users are left alone with critical tasks like algorithm selection, parameter configuration and the interpretation and adjustment of results. This thesis aims to solve this dilemma by structuring and integrating the necessary steps of clustering into a guided and feedback-driven process. In doing so, users are provided with a default modus operandi for the application of clustering. Two main components constitute the core of said process: the algorithm management and the visual-interactive interface. Algorithm management handles all aspects of actual clustering creation and the involved methods. It employs a modular approach for algorithm description that allows users to understand, design, and compare clustering techniques with the help of building blocks. In addition, algorithm management offers facilities for the integration of multiple clusterings of the same dataset into an improved solution. New approaches based on ensemble clustering not only allow the utilization of different clustering techniques, but also ease their application by acting as an abstraction layer that unifies individual parameters. Finally, this component provides a multi-level interface that structures all available control options and provides the docking points for user interaction. The visual-interactive interface supports users during result interpretation and adjustment. For this, the defining characteristics of a clustering are communicated via a hybrid visualization. In contrast to traditional data-driven visualizations that tend to become overloaded and unusable with increasing volume/dimensionality of data, this novel approach communicates the abstract aspects of cluster composition and relations between clusters. This aspect orientation allows the use of easy-to-understand visual components and makes the visualization immune to scale related effects of the underlying data. This visual communication is attuned to a compact and universally valid set of high-level feedback that allows the modification of clustering results. Instead of technical parameters that indirectly cause changes in the whole clustering by influencing its creation process, users can employ simple commands like merge or split to directly adjust clusters. The orchestrated cooperation of these two main components creates a modus operandi, in which clusterings are no longer created and disposed as a whole until a satisfying result is obtained. Instead, users apply the feedback-driven process to iteratively refine an initial solution. Performance and usability of the proposed approach were evaluated with a user study. Its results show that the feedback-driven process enabled amateur users to easily create satisfying clustering results even from different and not optimal starting situations

    Visual Decision Support for Ensemble Clustering

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    The continuing growth of data leads to major challenges for data clustering in scientific data management. Clustering algorithms must handle high data volumes/dimensionality, while users need assistance during their analyses. Ensemble clustering provides robust, high-quality results and eases the algorithm selection and parameterization. Drawbacks of available concepts are the lack of facilities for result adjustment and the missing support for result interpretation. To tackle these issues, we have already published an extended algorithm for ensemble clustering that uses soft clusterings. In this paper, we propose a novel visualization, tightly coupled to this algorithm, that provides assistance for result adjustments and allows the interpretation of clusterings for data sets of arbitrary size

    Generating What-If Scenarios for Time Series Data

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    Time series data has become a ubiquitous and important data source in many application domains. Most companies and organizations strongly rely on this data for critical tasks like decision-making, planning, predictions, and analytics in general. While all these tasks generally focus on actual data representing organization and business processes, it is also desirable to apply them to alternative scenarios in order to prepare for developments that diverge from expectations or assess the robustness of current strategies. When it comes to the construction of such what-if scenarios, existing tools either focus on scalar data or they address highly specific scenarios. In this work, we propose a generally applicable and easy-to-use method for the generation of what-if scenarios on time series data. Our approach extracts descriptive features of a data set and allows the construction of an alternate version by means of filtering and modification of these features

    Feature-based Comparison and Generation of Time Series

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    For more than three decades, researchers have been developping generation methods for the weather, energy, and economic domain. These methods provide generated datasets for reasons like system evaluation and data availability. However, despite the variety of approaches, there is no comparative and cross-domain assessment of generation methods and their expressiveness. We present a similarity measure that analyzes generation methods regarding general time series features. By this means, users can compare generation methods and validate whether a generated dataset is considered similar to a given dataset. Moreover, we propose a feature-based generation method that evolves cross-domain time series datasets. This method outperforms other generation methods regarding the feature-based similarity

    CSAR: The Cross-Sectional Autoregression Model

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    The forecasting of time series data is an integral component for management, planning, and decision making. Following the Big Data trend, large amounts of time series data are available in many application domains. The highly dynamic and often noisy character of these domains in combination with the logistic problems of collecting data from a large number of data sources, imposes new requirements on the forecasting process. A constantly increasing number of time series has to be forecasted, preferably with low latency AND high accuracy. This is almost impossible, when keeping the traditional focus on creating one forecast model for each individual time series. In addition, often used forecasting approaches like ARIMA need complete historical data to train forecast models and fail if time series are intermittent. A method that addresses all these new requirements is the cross-sectional forecasting approach. It utilizes available data from many time series of the same domain in one single model, thus, missing values can be compensated and accurate forecast results can be calculated quickly. However, this approach is limited by a rigid training data selection and existing forecasting methods show that adaptability of the model to the data increases the forecast accuracy. Therefore, in this paper we present CSAR a model that extends the cross-sectional paradigm by adding more flexibility and allowing fine grained adaptations to the analyzed data. In this way, we achieve an increased forecast accuracy and thus a wider applicability

    Exploiting big data in time series forecasting: A cross-sectional approach

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    Forecasting time series data is an integral component for management, planning and decision making. Following the Big Data trend, large amounts of time series data are available from many heterogeneous data sources in more and more applications domains. The highly dynamic and often fluctuating character of these domains in combination with the logistic problems of collecting such data from a variety of sources, imposes new challenges to forecasting. Traditional approaches heavily rely on extensive and complete historical data to build time series models and are thus no longer applicable if time series are short or, even more important, intermittent. In addition, large numbers of time series have to be forecasted on different aggregation levels with preferably low latency, while forecast accuracy should remain high. This is almost impossible, when keeping the traditional focus on creating one forecast model for each individual time series. In this paper we tackle these challenges by presenting a novel forecasting approach called cross-sectional forecasting. This method is especially designed for Big Data sets with a multitude of time series. Our approach breaks with existing concepts by creating only one model for a whole set of time series and requiring only a fraction of the available data to provide accurate forecasts. By utilizing available data from all time series of a data set, missing values can be compensated and accurate forecasting results can be calculated quickly on arbitrary aggregation levels

    Systematical Evaluation of Solar Energy Supply Forecasts

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    The capacity of renewable energy sources constantly increases world-wide and challenges the maintenance of the electric balance between power demand and supply. To allow for a better integration of solar energy supply into the power grids, a lot of research was dedicated to the development of precise forecasting approaches. However, there is still no straightforward and easy-to-use recommendation for a standardized forecasting strategy. In this paper, a classification of solar forecasting solutions proposed in the literature is provided for both weather- and energy forecast models. Subsequently, we describe our idea of a standardized forecasting process and the typical parameters possibly influencing the selection of a specific model. We discuss model combination as an optimization option and evaluate this approach comparing different statistical algorithms against flexible hybrid models in a case study

    Web-based Benchmarks for Forecasting Systems: The ECAST Platform

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    The role of precise forecasts in the energy domain has changed dramatically. New supply forecasting methods are developed to better address this challenge, but meaningful benchmarks are rare and time-intensive. We propose the ECAST online platform in order to solve that problem. The system's capability is demonstrated on a real-world use case by comparing the performance of different prediction tools

    Clustering Uncertain Data with Possible Worlds

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    The topic of managing uncertain data has been explored in many ways. Different methodologies for data storage and query processing have been proposed. As the availability of management systems grows, the research on analytics of uncertain data is gaining in importance. Similar to the challenges faced in the field of data management, algorithms for uncertain data mining also have a high performance degradation compared to their certain algorithms. To overcome the problem of performance degradation, the MCDB approach was developed for uncertain data management based on the possible world scenario. As this methodology shows significant performance and scalability enhancement, we adopt this method for the field of mining on uncertain data. In this paper, we introduce a clustering methodology for uncertain data and illustrate current issues with this approach within the field of clustering uncertain data

    How to Control Clustering Results?

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    One of the most important and challenging questions in the area of clustering is how to choose the best-fitting algorithm and parameterization to obtain an optimal clustering for the considered data. The clustering aggregation concept tries to bypass this problem by generating a set of separate, heterogeneous partitionings of the same data set, from which an aggregate clustering is derived. As of now, almost every existing aggregation approach combines given crisp clusterings on the basis of pair-wise similarities. In this paper, we regard an input set of soft clusterings and show that it contains additional information that is efficiently useable for the aggregation. Our approach introduces an expansion of mentioned pair-wise similarities, allowing control and adjustment of the aggregation process and its result. Our experiments show that our flexible approach offers adaptive results, improved identification of structures and high useability
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